Sandra’s little blue house in the heart of Salem holds many special memories for her. She currently lives in the house with her son and her sister, and hosts frequent visits from her grandchildren. Inside, photos and heirlooms line the walls and cover shelves, each...
“Maria’s” first contact with “Joe” was an unsolicited message he sent her on Facebook. She ignored it for two months but she was intrigued by his descriptions of raising his children all on his own, and began communicating with him. Eventually, he visited her in her...
Karen worked in higher ed administration. Deb assisted in the controller’s office at a tech company. Tina worked at a retail store. Each of them suffered a debilitating medical condition that left them unable to work full-time, and each sought help through a...
New Hampshire scored a significant victory in the mission to close the access to justice gap with the passage of a new pilot program – one of the first of its kind in the country – allowing paraprofessionals to represent clients in court in certain cases. New...
Jack purchased his home in the quiet woods of Middleton in May 2018 with cash, planning to stay there for the rest of his life. Shortly after buying it, he used all of his remaining money to put in new plumbing. A string of injuries and medical issues since then...
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