We are so pleased to share with you this report of our activities in 2016, including client and advocacy success stories, statistics about the impact of legal aid in New Hampshire, and our annual opportunity to thank you, our generous supporters!
Thanks to the support of nearly 40 sponsors and 350 attendees from across the state, the 2017 Campaign Kick-off Breakfast was our most successful Kick-off yet. YOU – our sponsors and attendees – pledged more than $90,000 to support civil legal aid in New...
Thirty years ago, New Hampshire Legal Assistance began representing female inmates in the state prison system. This month, that work is featured in NH Magazine: At that time, there was no prison at all for women; they were shipped out of state to serve their...
Thank you to everyone who made the 2016 Campaign for Legal Services a success! We beat our goal of raising $275,000 to support New Hampshire Legal Assistance and the Legal Advice and Referral Center. Thanks to you, thousands of people around our state will have...
Your gift to the Campaign, alone or in collaboration with gifts from other supporters, can mean so much to a family in need of access to justice. A gift of $250 can provide a consultation with an advocate, so a disabled single mother like Kelli can fight an illegal...
Make a difference for New Hampshire’s most vulnerable citizens. Your donation to the Campaign for Legal Services will provide vital support to 603 Legal Aid and New Hampshire Legal Assistance.