2016 Campaign Kick-off

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2016 Campaign Kick-off on May 26, especially our sponsors who made the morning possible; our client speaker, Abby, who shared her incredibly moving story; and Justice John T. Broderick, Jr., who spent so much of his career improving access to justice for all New Hampshire residents.

The 2016 Campaign Kick-off was a record-breaking success, with sponsors and attendees contributing more than $73,000 to support the critical legal aid programs at New Hampshire Legal Assistance and the Legal Advice and Referral Center.


We are especially grateful to our keynote speaker, Justice John T. Broderick, Jr., the first recipient of the John E. Tobin, Jr., Justice Award.

In his keynote address, Justice Broderick said

“The wise and tested people who risked life and limb to break from England during a long, uncertain and bloody war for independence knew firsthand the vagaries and often crippling injustice of an all-powerful monarch.


So when they sat to draft our founding document, they made sure to guarantee affordable and prompt access to the courts. They knew its value.


We are not honoring their commitments or the risks they took to make them.


But we can start today by continuing systemic justice redesign, securing more federal dollars for more legal services lawyers, securing more volunteer lawyers to assist the poor, by licensing legal technicians, by promoting unbundling rather than finding excuses not to do it and by asking everyone to write a check.


We can all do something. And we need to. If we don’t act, who should act?”